Address to the Runestone Park (Runstensparken)

Lindbyvägen 62

Bus to the Runestone park

Buss 312 to Lindby brygga vägskäl

Take bus 312 from Brommaplan. Go to Lindby brygga vägskäl which is the stop just outside the Runestone park.


Phone: +46 70-776 48 22



Adelsö ferry.

Adelsö is an island and we have a road ferry that runs at least 2 times per hour. The ferry is free, free even for cars. The crossing only takes 5 minutes.

The ferry departs from Adelsö every full and half hour. On the other side, on Sjöängen on Munsö, the ferry reloads with new cars and passengers before returning to Adelsö.

The Adelsö ferry arrives at Sjöängen -: 05 and -: 35 every hour.

Time from Brommaplan.
By car it takes about 30 minutes to Sjöängen and the ferry.

Get here by bus
The bus from Brommaplan go all the way to the Runestone Park. The name of the bus stop is "Lindby brygga vägskäl".
(The bus goes on the ferry over to Adelsö).


External links

Birka and Hovgården >
Information and tips for visitors to the World Heritage Site

Runestones >
Guide to all known runestones in Ekerö municipality and how to find them and understand them.

Facebook >
Kalle Runristare on Facebook with the latest news.

Kalle Runistare >
A contemporary runecarver's website.

UNESCO - Birka and Hovgården >
The World Heritage Convention

Birka the Viking city >
Restaurants, museum and events etc. on Birka.

Uppdaterad: 22 april 2024